In the true Italian artisan tradition, Verona gives you the best professional style residential range. High efficiency sealed gas burners deliver pinpoint accuracy and flame control. The burner heads are mounted close to the cooking surface to deliver better heat transfer and distribution. High output double and triple ring burners provide even heat across the bottom of the cooking utensil. As a result, foods cook quickly with less fuel than standard burners.
The Verona family of professional ranges offer the quality of traditional Italian artistry combined with the latest in cooking technology innovations.

Italian-made Verona cook tops are both functional and affordable with sizes and options to accommodate any kitchen.

Wall Ovens
Verona wall ovens are perfect for kitchens where space is at a premium or for the serious chefs who want additional cooking capacity.

History of Verona
The stylish Verona line of ranges, ovens and cooktops are a preferred brand of appliances featured in upscale kitchens throughout Europe since 1958. Each Verona piece is exquisitely designed and manufactured in the suburbs of Venice, Italy and stand as a benchmark for durable and beautiful Italian professional appliances. Verona products are held to stringent standards of quality unsurpassed in the industry.